How to stop headaches from computer screens

Wondering how to stop headaches from computer screens?

Do you ever get a headache after using your computer or phone? Many people experience headaches from screens, especially if they use them for an extended period.

This blog post will discuss 10 ways to prevent headaches from screens. We will also provide tips on reducing eye strain when using electronic devices. These tips can help keep your headaches at bay and enjoy using your computer and phone without pain!

How to stop headaches from computer screens

1. Adjust Your Screen Brightness

The human eye is not very good at dealing with bright light, mainly when it is concentrated in a small area like a computer screen.

When you stare at a screen for extended periods, the muscles in your eyes tighten, leading to pain and discomfort. By reducing the brightness of your screen, you can help to ease this tension and avoid headaches.

In addition, adjusting the brightness of your screen can also help to reduce eye fatigue and improve your overall productivity. It may surprise you the difference it can make.

2. Wear Blue Light Glasses or Migraine Glasses

While screens can be a substantial source of entertainment and information, they can also lead to headaches and eyestrain. One way to help prevent these problems is wearing blue light or migraine glasses.

These special glasses help to filter out the blue light that comes from screens, which can cause discomfort and even migraines in some people. In addition, they can help to reduce eyestrain and fatigue.

Whether working at a desk all day or spending a few hours browsing the web, blue light glasses can help you stay comfortable and headache-free. One of the best ways to stop headaches from computer screens.

See our awesome range of blue light glasses - all made in an optical lab, not a factory!

3. Adjust The Refresh Rate of Your Monitor

Most of us spend much more time in front of screens these days. And while there's no doubt that screens have made our lives easier, there is a downside to all this screen time: headaches.

Fortunately, there is a way to help prevent these headaches, and it's as simple as adjusting the refresh rate of your monitor.

By changing the refresh rate to match the frame rate of the video you're watching, you can help reduce the amount of flicker your eyes are exposed to. This can help to reduce eyestrain and minimize the risk of headaches.

4. Stage Your Workspace Adequately

While there are several ways to reduce the impact of screens on our health, a straightforward measure is to stage your workspace adequately.

Ensure your screen is at eye level and about an arm's length away from you. Positioning your screen this way will help reduce the strain on your eyes and neck.

In addition, try to take regular breaks from screen time and get plenty of restful sleep each night.

5. Maintain a Clean Screen

Dust and dirt buildup on screens can cause headaches by irritating the eyes. One way to prevent headaches from screens is to keep them clean.

Regularly wiping screens with a microfiber cloth can remove dust, fingerprints, and smudges.

In addition, using an anti-glare screen protector can help to reduce eye fatigue. By taking these simple steps, you can help to prevent headaches from screens.

6. Take Breaks Frequently

To help prevent digital eye strain and the headaches that come with it, experts recommend taking frequent breaks from screens.

Every 20 minutes, look away from your screen for 20 seconds to give your eyes a chance to rest.

In addition, try to blink frequently to keep your eyes moisturized. And be sure to take breaks every couple of hours to walk around and focus on something else for a while.

7. Get Your Eyes Checked by an Optometrist

One way to help prevent these problems is to get your eyes checked by an optometrist.

During an eye exam, the optometrist will check for any underlying vision problems that could cause headaches or eyestrain. And if they find a problem, the optometrist can prescribe corrective lenses or provide other treatment options.

In addition, the optometrist can give you specific advice on how to reduce eye strain from screens, such as using the 20-20-20 rule (taking a break every 20 minutes to look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds).

 8. Filter The Blue Light of Your Screen

The bright light and the strain on your eyes can pivot a productive work session into a pain-filled ordeal.

One way to prevent headaches from screens is to filter your screen's blue light. The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt our natural sleep cycles and cause eyestrain, leading to headaches.

Using a blue light filter can help reduce the amount of blue light that reaches your eyes, making it easier to focus and stay pain-free. There are a variety of blue light filters available, so you can find one that fits your needs and helps you stay comfortable while you work.

9. Increase The Font Size on Your Screen

This type of strain can cause headaches, fatigue, and even neck pain. One way to help reduce the symptoms of digital eye strain is to increase the font size on your screen.

By making the text more extensive, you can decrease the time your eyes need to adjust when looking at a screen. In addition, large fonts can also help reduce the amount of blue light your eyes are exposed to.

Blue light has been linked to several adverse health effects, including sleep disruption and headaches.

10. Adjust Your Sitting Position Ergonomically

If you suffer from tension headaches or migraines after a day working on a laptop or browsing your phone, it may be time to adjust your sitting position.

Ergonomic experts suggest keeping the screen at eye level, using a document holder to hold printed materials in view, and sitting up straight with relaxed shoulders.

You may also want regular breaks to focus on something else and often blink to keep your eyes from getting too dry. By making a few simple adjustments, you can help reduce the likelihood of getting headaches from screens.


You can do a few things to help prevent headaches and eyestrain. First, take breaks frequently to give your eyes a chance to rest.

Second, get your eyes checked by an optometrist to ensure no underlying vision problems. Third, consider wearing blue light glasses or migraine glasses to help filter out the harmful blue light emitted by screens.

Finally, adjust your sitting position ergonomically to help reduce tension headaches or migraines. By following these tips, you can help prevent headaches from screens.


See more:

Do blue light glasses help with headaches